Hi👋, I'm David.I will cut your SAAS churn by 50% in 90 days

  • Cancellation flows and Dunning A/B Testing

  • At-Risk Users Identification and Mitigation

  • Community & Referral Program Building

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Some of Our Past Clients


Are you dealing with any of these?

I promise I won't tell...


New users, but MRR stays the same

Feels like running on a treadmill, doesn’t it? 🏃


Too many users are leaving (5%+ Monthly)

"OMG WHAT'S HAPPENING" I know that feeling 😢


Can't figure out what's wrong with the product

Thought you had found "PMF" huh? 🤷

CAC costs are exponentially increasing

Users are starting to cost an arm and a leg 💰

Bad news: Churn is killing your startup 😢Good News: I can stop it (if you act now) 🚀

How Will I Do This?

1. Once they click "cancel"

Create cancellation flows that make them want to throw their credit cards at you, and for those who do churn, reactivation campaigns to bring them back after a few weeks.

2. Before they click "cancel"

Use behavioral analyses to find at-risk users and solve their problems before they ever think of cancelling.

3. Before they even think about canceling

Build referral programs that will turn your at-risk customers into your biggest advocates.


If our service doesn't provide a 5X ROI on the LTV Saved within the first 90 days, we'll give you your money back.


From $3,000/mo.

  • 5 Weekly Churn Interviews

  • Cancellation Flows Creation and Management

  • Reactivation Campaigns

  • Dunning Management

  • 5X LTV ROI Guaranteed


Contact Us

  • Everything in Reactive plus...

  • 5 Weekly Interviews with At-Risk Users

  • Customer Health Scores

  • User Lifecycle Analysis

  • User Behavior Analysis

  • NPS & CSAT Surveys

  • Insights AI Feedback Analysis

  • 5X LTV ROI Guaranteed


Contact Us

  • Everything in Proactive plus...

  • 5 Weekly Interviews with Power Users

  • Referral Program

  • Content Calendar Topics + Outlines

  • Webinar Setup

  • 5-10X LTV ROI Guaranteed

"David is a Godsend for our startup. I hired him at Athena for CMO work, where he not only helped us refine our GTM strategy but also our product. Within 48 hours David had constructed a pitch deck analyzing our current marketing strategies with next steps on where we should focus our efforts and where we were wasting our time. His customer acquisition ideas were always out of the box, and they lead to us doubling our users without any acquisition costs. Moreover, his strategies helped our small team focus on maximizing low effort promotions rather than investing too much time gaining little returns. I am forever grateful to have met him. He was honestly more than just a consultant though, he always kep me in good spirit and reminded me that everything is going to be okay. If you’re on the fence, book him now!"

Founder at Athena Network

What Our Past Clients Are Saying

"He actually cares"

"I was still in the idea stage when I got in contact with David. He helped me breakdown specifically how to go to market with my idea, and how to validate it and even what to put in the MVP. I have learned so much from David, and til today, I still reach out to him for help with my startup. Thank you David, you should def work with him!"

Joseph Harris
Founder - BulkWork


"A literal game changer"

"I hadn’t noticed how much money I was leaving on the table until I got in contact with David. He broke down our entire marketing Strategy and helped us create a robust one. If you are thinking of working with him, do so NOW. He truly knows his stuff. His advice has been a literal game changer and it's completely made me rethink both my creative and business strategies."

Bertha Tobias
CEO - SpotlightByBT


Case Studies


Doubling Users for Athena Network In 1 Month - with Zero Ad Spend

Discover how we helped an edtech startup 2x their users in 1 month with $0 ad spend

Read More →


Cracking the Chicken, Egg, and Chick Problem for Unveil

Learn how we cracked the chicken and egg problem for a 3-part marketplace startup in the art industry.

Read More →

Frequenly Asked Questions

How soon can I expect to see results?

While results can vary depending on your industry and specific goals, You'll noticing improvements within the first 30 days.

Do you work with all types of startups?

No. I work exclusively with SaaS Startups

B2B or B2C?

B2B, as long as your product doesn't require an appointment to sign up.

Is the contract binding?

No. You can stop working with me as soon as you want.


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